Here is the arrival manifest from Ellis Island:
On Apr 30, 1896, Antonino La Barbera was 24 when he first traveled to the US. On this first visit he immigrated alone and listed Chicago as his destination; he didn't specify his occupation.
Here is the arrival manifest from Ellis Island:
He must have liked what he saw as he returned to Nicosia within a few weeks as he re-entered Ellis Island again on July 11, 1896; this time on the California, again departing from Naples, Italy. However, this time he travelled with his brother Giuseppi La Barbera (age 21). Antonino listed pastry chef as his occupation. Interestingly, he did not specify Chicago as his destination but New York. They both carried one item of baggage.
Here is the arrival manifest from Ellis Island:

About three years later on September 27, 1899, Anna Giunta (Anna "Santa" Guinta) arrived at the age of 19. She travelled alone on the Trojan Prince departing from Naples.