Hello Dominic, My name is Michael Tassone. I look at your web site often and I decided to e-mail you. My great-grandparents came from Catanzaro, Calabria and landed on Ellis Island in 1916. Their names are Luigi Anthony Tassone and Concetta Mary Tassone. Concetta's maiden name was Tassone also. They had 18 children altogether. They moved to Dunbar,PA after they landed in the U.S. and later moved to McKeesport,PA, where they settled. Luigi was born about 1889 and died at the age of 55. Concetta Mary was born in about 1890 and died in 1962. Out of the 18 children born, there are a few still alive. Rocco Anthony(my grandfather),born 1933; Fransisco, born 1928; Sammy, He's in his late 70's; Johnny, in his early 70's; and Evva( 2 v's), she's about 81. When I find out more information I will send you more. I have been hoping to e-mail you to let you know that I am also a Tassone. I will talk to you later. It was my pleasure e-mailing. Hope to talk to you soon. Take care.