giovedì, agosto 19, 2004

Michigan Area Tassone's


My name is Elizabeth Freshour (my married name) my mother was Elizabeth Mangiardi. We lived in a small town called Mineral Point in Wisconsin. My grandfather was Domenico Mangiardi and my grandmother was Maria Concetta Tedeschi both from Brognaturo which is very close to Spadola etc. My aunt Rose is a Bertucci. Mike Tassone was a friend of my grandfathers, he and his brother use to come to Mineral Point to visit my grandfather and the Bertucci families. My grandfather came through Ellis Island in 1909 and was 19 when he came here he was married to my grandmother at that time and she and my uncle Nicola Mangiardi followed in 1919 or 1921. There were several other Tassone members that were in Mineral Point Wisconsin and are buried there. Also Russo. Joe Russo, who would have been about the same age as my grandfather and lived in Mineral Point also and is buried there. I live in Lake Zurich Illinois and have 2 children a daughter that is a sophomore at Northern Michigan University in Marquette, her name is Heather Elizabeth and a son who is a senior in high school this year and his name is Nick (Nicola). Some other added information for you is that my aunt Roses (Bertucci) father was killed and her mother married a Galle and had 12 additional childeren. My aunt Rose had one sister named Mary and a brother named Frank, they are both deceased now and are buried in Mineral Point. My aunt Rose is 92 or 93 now and still alive and well in Mineral Point. Mary and Frank never married or had children. My aunt Rose has two kids, Dominic who is about 58 and lives in Madison Wisconsin and he has two kids Brian (not married) about 26 and Amy (married no kids yet) about 24. And a daughter named Mary who is about 63 living in Rockford Illinois. She has 3 kids - Mike (married with 2 girls ages about 12 and 10) mikes about 40. Kathleen (1 girl 1 boy about 10 and 7) shes about 37 and Mary Ann (married with 2 boys about 15 and 12) mary ann is about 35.

My aunt Roses family is from Spadola and I think her dads name was Frank and her mothers name was Catherine. I will check on that for you and let you know. I am positive you're from the same family.

I just finished emailing cousins in Italy before I came upon your site. You've done a great job with the site.

I'll get as much info for you to use as I can and I will also pass your site and email address on to my cousin Mary in Rockford, she's been trying to put a family tree together and I'm sure she'd love to correspond with you.

Feel free to email me anytime.


Elizabeth (Libby) Freshour - my maiden name was Schwartz my mother was a Mangiardi (her father) and (her mother) was a Tedeschi